Sunday, June 24, 2012

Baby Food!!!!

Today was the first time Sofia had baby food.  Her reaction?   Well, her face said it all she actually liked it.  However, we had a little problem or should I say a big brother problem.  We have only one highchair in our house and today he has claimed it.  He cried like we just gave away all of his toys.  Man oh man, that little boy cried for a good 1/2 hour.  All the while I kept feeding Sofia and telling Aidan that he was so nice to let Sofia borrow his chair to eat some baby food.  Ha, it didn't work.  Well, Sofia and I decided to give in and sit in her swing to eat the rest of her food.  I was so proud and excited for her. 


Sunday, June 17, 2012


We can officially say good-bye to any oxygen tanks and apnea monitors in our house.  Thursday Sofia went to see her Pulmonologist and he gave her the thumbs up and ordered her oxygen and monitor be removed.  It was like a sad, long chapter in her life has been closed and finished.  She hadn't been using the oxygen since April when her feeding tube was placed and the monitor hasn't been used since May, when she had a good download.  So naturally I thought they would be removed but it just seemed as though we might get bad news to go along with her checkup.   We have been in the hospital twice since Sofia was born (that's including her NICU stay) and I don't want to go back anytime soon.  I should be thankful that we haven't been there any more than we have like so many other kiddos.  Well, we are still working on getting that feeding tube out and it may take awhile but that is ok, we will deal.

Friday, June 8, 2012


So we went to get Sofia's ouchie looked at and the nurse and doctor said we have been doing a good job taking care of it. That makes us feel good. Instead of putting acid on the skin they decided to just give us pads to put in between her skin and the button. This padding has antibiotics on it so it should help with redness and drainage we have been seeing. We shall see.

One doctor appointment down only about 3 more appointments (scheduled) to go this summer.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


So Sofia has developed a minor ouchie associated with her feeding tube. When anyone gets a feeding tube they end up developing tissue that turns out of the opening of the tube (?). Well when that happens it is painful and sometimes parents wait too long and it can get really bad (believe me when I say REALLY BAD because we have seen the pictures). Well luckily for us we have caught it at a point that it is just starting to do that so we are taking Sofia in on Friday to essentially get the tissue burned off. Not looking forward to that and thank goodness over our short stays in the hospital I have developed a thick skin to things they do to her, just as long as they aren't doing too many painful things at one time.